Activities at Nursery and Home

The Avenue Nursery Planning for focused activities

Our curriculum planning will be published on our closed Whatsapp group at the start of every term. This will show the terms topic, activities and experiences and what children may learn from these activities. Please support your child's learning and development by exploring these activities at home, visiting the library or local park, and for older children, by talking to your child about what they have done or learned about. We will use Tapestry, our online learning journal to share your child's achievements at nursery. Please share any of your child's 'wow' moments at home by adding them to their journal.


Home Learning

If you are self isolating or unable to attend Nursery, there are a wealth of resources available on the following websites.


Tiny Happy People


If you would prefer you can contact Nursery on 07836 730 444, and we will arrange for you to receive a home learning pack.

page last updated: 07/06/2024

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