The Avenue Nursery fully recognises its responsibilities for children's welfare, safeguarding and child protection.
We operate a whole provision approach and ethos to children's welfare, safeguarding and children protection. We recognise safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. All staff/anyone who has contact with a child or young person play their full part in keeping children (including vulnerable adults when in the nursery) safe. This includes indentifying concerns, sharing information, and taking prompt action. We protect children using national, local, and our welfare, safeguarding and child protection procedures and ensure this is reflected in all systems, process and policies.
We operate a child-centred approach; a clear understanding of the needs, wishes, views and voices of children and will actively seek out and promote this. We ensure children receive the right help at the right time to address safeguarding risks, prevent issues escalating and to promote children's welfare.
We work in partnership and have an important role in multi-agency safeguarding arrangements as set out in 'Working Together Safeguarding Children' guidance.
All staff are fully trained to safeguard children and to share their concerns appropriately with our named DSL'S Dawn Curry - Nursery Manager, Angela Chappell - Deputy Manager, and Sallyann Curry - Deputy Manager.
page last updated: 07/06/2024