
Reading area

Fees are charged at an hourly rate; please ask when enquiring about a nursery place for current prices. Discounts are available for siblings. Fees are payable every 4 weeks in advance during term time. School holidays are optional; fees are only payable if you choose to book sessions during the holidays. Fees can be paid by cash, cheque, standing order, direct debit or childcare vouchers.

Additional sessions can be available on request and are charged at the standard rate.

Local Authority Free Childcare Places

Café style snacks and drinks are supplied by the nursery morning and afternoon, for which there is a small charge. You can also choose to supply your own snacks and drinks so there will be no charge.

There is a registration fee; this includes the price of a book bag and registration paperwork.

Breakfast and Light Bite are available at an additional cost and are optional. School dinners are available and are subject to annual price increases please enquire for current prices.

Nappies and Creams

Fees do not include nappies wipes or creams. Please ensure that your child has a ready supply of these available to ensure his/her comfort. These can be stored at nursery or brought daily.

Visitors to Nursery

There is a voluntary parental contribution for French if your child attends nursery on Tuesday mornings.

We often have visitors to nursery to provide and enrich our learning environment for our children and sometimes a contribution can be requested towards covering the cost of these vital experiences.

page last updated: 07/06/2024

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